20 Dogs Ready to Get Back to Work #GOVTSHUTDOWN
Ready to brighten up your Wednesday?!?! well here you go. Buzzfeed.com posted this yesterday and we thought we would share it with you all given our current situation. Enjoy hahaha.
1. “I’m ready to go back to work whenever the government says it’s a-OK.”

7. “Excuse me, sir? Don’t try to go to any national parks today, all right? Just trying to get the word out.”

10. “Why are you taking me for a walk?! Shouldn’t I be running the White House’s Instagram account?”

13. “It is my god-given American right to dig holes when I want and where I want. Government shutdown means nothing to me.”

17. “I came to work today and no one was here. I do not know how to turn on my computer.”